
Appellate and Writ Practice

Trial practice and appellate practice share some similarities, most notably the objective of persuasion.  There are, however, significant differences between the two.  A trial lawyer has, to some degree, a free hand in developing the record.  An appellate lawyer must take the record as it stands and make the best of it.

Both litigants and their lawyers often turn to Perry, Balhoff, Mengis & Burns to assist them when their cases reach the appellate level.  Typical examples include:

•  Applications for supervisory writs to the court of appeal or to the supreme court

•  Interlocutory appeals

•  Appellate motions

•  Briefs to the court of appeal or to the supreme court

Briefing is not the end of the story at the appellate level, and it is not the end of our service to our clients.  The firm's lawyers have extensive experience arguing cases before appellate courts, including cases that have been tried by other firms. 

We are prepared to do as much as the client needs, and we will see the matter through to the end.